Local Impact

  • Each fall, all teachers are able to apply for a $500 mini-grant in order to facilitate projects, supplies, learning materials, etc. that would otherwise not be available to our students without our funding assistance.

  • Each school selects their own teacher of the year and GHS selects two, due to the size of the school. The GEF receives packets from each school with letters of recommendation, personally written bios and teaching methods from each teacher selected, and statements from students and staff. From these, we have the difficult duty of selecting an elementary, middle, and high school overall teacher of the year. We then choose one overall district teacher of the year that will then go on to represent Gloucester County in the statewide teacher of the year competition. Each spring, we celebrate all of our teachers of the year with a dinner and award ceremony. Teachers receive certificates, plaques for their schools, tangible gifts, and monetary awards all provided by the GEF’s fundraising efforts.

  • We provide one time and renewable scholarships to GHS senior students. These scholarships are awarded in June of each year.

  • The Gloucester Educational Foundation provides funding for this program which is now in every one of our schools.

  • We award the winner of the competition a monetary prize, certificate and also have their art appropriately framed or appointed for permanent display. This is awarded to the student in June of each year.

  • We are partners with the GHS Career and Technical Program, Chamber of Commerce and grant funding awarded by the Gloucester Community Foundation to provide intern opportunities with local employers. Juniors and Seniors are offered intern positions that are paid in part by the employer and partially through the GEF and give students the chance to further explore trades positions and service positions. We recognize the importance of offering students these opportunities as trades positions are vital, well-paid, and much needed. Many of our students have gone on to accept full-time roles after graduation.

  • In addition to all of the above, the Gloucester Educational Foundation reviews, considers and provides financial support for one time select needs as they arise and if we have the available funds. We conduct the annual Gloucester Educational 3K/8K and 5/K Virtual Race each March. This is our main fundraiser every year.